Tag Archives: crepe

Childhood, Revisited

23 Apr

My room is really, really messy.

And no, it’s not dirty. It’s just messy. I would tidy it, and then a few hours later it would be Titanic part II all over again. Books, clean clothes, magazines, newspaper, hair dryer, guitar strings, everything. All over the place.

So I’ve decided to reorganize my room and my closet. Throw stuff away.

But me being me, I have the attention span of a goldfish. I start with sorting books from magazines, shirts from tee shirts, then sort them based on color in my closet.

Until I find these, just inside a box hidden under my 2009 Halloween costume (an extremely bloody Surgeon with a huge butcher knife)

My childhood. A Sony Walkman, a Sony Recorder, and a Sanyo Multi-track Cassette Recorder

I’m so surprised these still work. I remember the olden days, when I would buy cassettes and play them with my Walkman. The first cassette that I’ve ever owned was Billy Idol’s “Billy Idol” which contained the track “Dancing With Myself”

I might’ve stolen it from my aunt’s collection. Being unable to lie, I wrote her a letter saying that I borrowed the cassette without asking her. She told me I could keep it.

And no, that is not a habit of mine, and no, I did not grow up to be a kleptomaniac.

Anyway, when I was little I had this toy xylophone, toy piano, and a toy drum set. I would pretend to be a rockstar, making these silly multi-track records with my little recorder.

Incidentally, I just reread the book “The Perks of Being a Wallflower.” I read a bit of the book a few years ago, didn’t find it interesting, but this time I really liked this book. I could relate to the book. Well, I’m very observant. I notice things that other people don’t. I remember small details of an event. However, that’s probably the only thing Charlie-esque about me. I’m mostly Patrick.

There was this really sad poem. It goes

…that’s why on the back of a brown paper bag

he tried another poem

and he called it “Absolutely Nothing”

because that’s what it was really all about

and he gave himself an A

and a slash on each damned wrist

and he hung it on the bathroom door

because this time he didnt think

he could reach the kitchen—-

That’s just a part of the poem. If you want to read the whole thing it’s here http://hidden-release.tripod.com/perks_of_being_a_wallflower_poem.html

I cried when I read that poem. It’s just really eerie, in an extremely sad way, almost morbid. I couldn’t get this song out of my head after reading that poem, because I thought the song was perfect for the poem. So I decided to sing it and record it with the old Sony Cassette Recorder. The sound quality is terrible, but that’s what I like about it. It has like this random buzzing sound and a gramophone-like quality.

Anyway, I went to the Optometrist a few days ago. Got my new contacts, and they let me pick the case. It was between pink pigs, pink flamingos, yellow cat, and blue hippos. Trying to butch it up a little bit, I chose the blue hippos. My new contacts are so uncomfortable at the moment, they’re for astigmatism so I probably have to get used to them.

Me, being hetero-normative

The “Project Garden” is going well, I’ve ordered the clay pots, moved a couple things around, and drove to a nursery to look for decorative lotus plants.

I was craving for something sweet earlier, but there was nothing in the fridge. So I kinda created this crepe-less banana crepe. It’s pretty much just banana, butter, honey, and chocolate chips / sprinkles wrapped in aluminium foil, then I put it in the oven for three minutes. It was yummy.

It tasted better than it looks. Honest.

I’m going to read some Camus, then go to bed. Have a great week, guys!


xx AJ